AI & the Future of Design

I recently attended a super interesting panel discussion on ‘AI & the Future of Design’ at the UX India 2023 Conference. This was led by 4 design leaders Ruchi Batra, Susan Hura, Tina O’Shea & Azmina Poddar.

Their discussion sparked a thought in my mind, prompting me to ask a question and the panellists were kind enough to share their perspectives & candid opinions on it.

By the end of the session, outside the hall, other delegates who attended this discussion had their thoughts & speculations to share with me over a coffee. It was honestly fulfilling to hear this dialogue on where to draw the line amidst the ‘un-questioned AI innovations’ and redefine our responsibilities as Designers.

The thought/question went something along the lines of…

Most of the AI applications of today are mere responders. You have an Inspiration and it takes the action. For Example: You write to the bot “Create an artwork with a Pink Elephant” and Boom. It generates it for you. What if AI of the future inspires YOU to take action? For Example, I come back home and out of the blue, the AI bot says: “Hey Manas, How about we paint a Pink Elephant today? I have already ordered a set of Acrylic colours, arriving in 7 mins…”

Will such AI solve any real problem? What should be the design guidelines for it?
Can this be a reality? Or more importantly, Should this be a reality?

What are your thoughts?


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